PresidentsLAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address.
PresidentsLAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address. In Washington's Farewell Address, Washington states that he won't be serving another term. Even though the people wanted him to serve another term, he refused and said he was satisfied with the work he did. Without him, he says that the people must abide by the Constitution and, especially now, the country must unite. He encourages the US to avoid military rule or dictatorships which tend to rob the people of liberty. Rather, the people must treat union as liberty and the love of the union will cause them to preserve liberty just like the love of liberty will cause them to preserve the union. Washington warns the people about political factions. These parties can take upon influence in a certain geographical location and therefore misrepresent the passions or opinions of the people. The US should be united in the sense that these parties should have "affection" toward eachother, but the factions only divide...