LAD/ Blog #3: Declaration of Independence.

LAD/ Blog #3: Declaration of Independence.

1.  List the democratic principles discussed in the opening. In the opening, the Declaration of Independence discusses the principles which America is now founded upon. First of all, this document established that all men are equal and have the undeniable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To maintain these rights, America has a democratic government based on consent of the governed. However, if this government abuses power or denies citizens their rights, the people have the right to abolish it and establish a new, fair government.

2.  List 5 grievances the colonists were making the King aware of. The colonists made the King aware of his wrong-doings by criticizing how he dissolved representative houses for objecting to his injustice in the colonies, kept armies in America even in times of peace, implemented taxes without their consent, took away their charters and didn't let them have the benefit of trial by jury.

3.  Summarize what the final paragraph is saying. The final paragraph is declaring the independence of the colonies. It makes it clear that they are separating from the British crown and, as a new nation, have the right of any other country. They are no longer at all faithful to Britain nor do they have any political ties to them. Instead, they all pledge to fight for and defend each other and the nation as a whole.
In Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, he refers multiply times to the foundations which America was founded upon, which are established in the Declaration of Independence. Although Lincoln argues for freedom from slavery while the Declaration of Independence is freedom from Britain, both refer to the idea that America is based on liberty and the government is run by the people, for the people.


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