LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message:

Polk's War message emphasizes the urgency of cementing relations with Mexico. Polk states that the United States has a strong desire to establish amicable relations with them and adjust the boundary. Therefore, in an attempt to reopen diplomatic relations, Polk asks to send an envoy over--John Slidell. The Mexican government agreed to receive an envoy to discuss the wrongs done upon American citizens which also became a question of boundary. Even though the government of Mexico was planning on administering friendly relations when the envoy arrived, growing hostilities led to an overthrow of the government in Mexico. Polk sends in the military to prevent Mexican invasion of US territory and after not agreeing to retreat, Mexican armies invaded. Mexico violated their faith and refused to form peaceful adjustments. Polk states the two nations are now at war, but the war was to be blamed on Mexico.
Similarly, the civil war occurred because of sectionalism. While war was not the goal before the Mexican American War nor the civil war, the Mexican American war was necessary because of Mexico's invasion of US territory and the civil war was necessary because of the threat of splitting the Union.


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