LAD/Blog #15: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

LAD/Blog #15: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address:

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address speaks to the "Fellow Citizens of the United States." Lincoln realizes there is apprehension in the South due to slavery, yet he states he has no desire to take away the institution of slavery from the people. He goes on to emphasize the rights of states, and how this is essential to the balance of power. He also takes a look at the Constitution, specifically a part regarding labor laws in one state and how they are applicable to other states in the case of an escaped slave. Lincoln does not want to construe the Constitution, however, he wants to review acts that were not repealed and determine if they are unconstitutional. So far, the Union has held up, so Lincoln sees it as his duty to preserve the union. The issue of slavery has presented the threat of secession, but the nation has gone through so much as a whole and he does not want the unity to be threatened. Lincoln ends his address with "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies." which emphasizes his desire to prove that America is a united nation that must not be split and threatened by civil war.

In Jefferson's first inaugural address, he said "We are all Republicans. We are all Federalists." This is similar to Lincoln's last lines of his inaugural address and both were an attempt at bringing people together in America.


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