LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message

LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message:

Although William McKinley had disagreed with the public's demands for war, he gave in. He realized he finally had to address the conflict and the concerns of the public. He recognizes that the insurrections in Cuba had happened often and Cuba is trying to escape oppression. Even though they have tried to avoid foreign involvement, trade was suffering, money was lost and people began getting angry. Attempts at peace were made, but Spain remained in control. McKinely looks to physically exhaust the Spanish, since a military victory seems impractical. Spain offered to leave the option of peace up to the preparation of the insular parliament. However, the Spanish did not plan to free Cuba. McKinley voices how his views have changed over time and now believes the intervention of the US is justifiable. He is lead to ask Congress because:

  1. It is America's duty to end the inhumane treatment, especially since Cuba is so close.
  2. America should protect Cubans because they can't do it on their own
  3. Offenses to commerce, trade and industry have been made
  4. The affairs of Cuba threaten the peace of America.
McKinley also discusses the destruction of the Maine which lead to national horror and anger. Lastly, he acknowledges that Spain may attempt to make peace. He says if the war is successful, it will save the people. If it fails, their action will be more justified.

Similarly, in modern times, the US does not want to go to war with North Korea. It may be forced to if there are certain incidents, but as a nation the US is trying to avoid war. 


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