LAD/Blog #24: Populist (People's) Party Platform

LAD/Blog #24: Populist (People's) Party Platform:

In the Preamble, the populist party states how the people of America were demoralized and the public opinion had been suppressed. They pledge to fix two evils: the fact that the industries of America support only a few wealthy people or companies and that the currency is not adequate. In the platform, they voice how the union of labor forces will be permanent, wealth belongs to the individual who is responsible, and that there should be regulation of railroads. They also emphasizes the need for a secure national currency. They demand free and unlimited coinage of silver to gold, circulation increases, a graduated income tax, and that state and national revenues be limited. They additionally encourage that transportation is a public necessity and that land is a heritage of the people. In the Expression of the Sentiments, they list resolutions including free ballot, support for fair and liberal pensions for soldiers, limiting the president to one term, opposing national aid, shorter working hours, and support of income tax. 

Donald Trump is seen as a populist. He states that he performs with the people in mind and wants to benefit the average working American.


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